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- Commodore ASCII has a number of control codes besides all the so-called
- printable characters. Printable characters are letters, numeric digits,
- mathematic operators, punctuation and graphic characters. The others don't
- print, but they control the screen output in various ways, for example by
- changing the letter color. In DISKSERVANT we need to represent these
- control characters in a way that won't change the screen output.
- DISKSERVANT use reversed letters to represent the control characters. Many
- of them will probably be familiar, as the C128s "quote mode" is a way known
- to all BASIC programmers of using RVS characters in strings. For example,
- pressing the HOME key while in quote mode will yield a RVS 's'. Below you
- will find a list of all RVS code letters, along with their ASCII code value
- and meaning.
- RVS codes can also be entered using those DISKSERVANT utilities that require
- text input. By holding down ALT, you can enter the "lowercase" RVS codes.
- By holding down ALT and SHIFT simultaneously, you can enter the "uppercase"
- RVS codes. Please use good sense though when entering RVS codes; using them
- in a wrong way could mess things up considerably.
- DEC HEX RVS code Function Alternative entry
- 0 00 @ Null character
- 1 01 a -
- 2 02 b Underline ON (80 col.)
- 3 03 c RUN/STOP key ALT/RUN/STOP
- 4 04 d -
- 5 05 e White CONTROL/2
- 6 06 f -
- 7 07 g Bell tone
- 8 08 h SHIFT/C= OFF (64 mode)
- 9 09 i Tab (SHIFT/C= ON, 64 mode) ALT/TAB
- 10 0A j Line feed ALT/LINE FEED
- 11 0B k SHIFT/C= OFF (128 mode)
- 12 0C l SHIFT/C= ON (128 mode)
- 14 0E n Switch to lowercase
- 15 0F o Flash ON (80 col.)
- 16 10 p -
- 17 11 q Cursor down ALT/CRSR DOWN
- 18 12 r Reverse ON CONTROL/9
- 19 13 s Home ALT/HOME
- 20 14 t Delete ALT/DEL
- 21 15 u -
- 22 16 v -
- 23 17 w -
- 24 18 x -
- 25 19 y -
- 26 1A z -
- 28 1C \ Red CONTROL/3
- 29 1D ] Cursor right ALT/CRSR RIGHT
- 30 1E ^ Green CONTROL/6
- 31 1f
- Blue CONTROL/7
- * The ASCII character immediately following the code will determine the
- actual function. Please refer to the table "Escape Codes" for a rundown of
- the Escape Sequence Codes.
- DEC HEX RVS code Function Alternative entry
- 128 80 {SHIFT-*}
- 129 81 A Orange/dark purple CBM/1
- 130 82 B Underline off
- 132 84 D HELP ALT/HELP
- 133 85 E F1 ALT/f1
- 134 86 F F3 ALT/f3
- 135 87 G F5 ALT/f5
- 136 88 H F7 ALT/f7
- 137 89 I F2 ALT/SHIFT/f2
- 138 8A J F4 ALT/SHIFT/f4
- 139 8B K F6 ALT/SHIFT/f6
- 140 8C L F8 ALT/SHIFT/f8
- 142 8E N Switch to uppercase
- 143 8f O Flash off
- 144 90 P Black CONTROL/1
- 145 91 Q Cursor up ALT/CRSR UP
- 146 92 R Reverse off
- 147 93 S Clear screen ALT/SHIFT/CLR
- 148 94 T Insert ALT/SHIFT/INST
- 149 95 U Brown/dark yellow CBM/2
- 150 96 V Light red CBM/3
- 151 97 W Dark gray/dark cyan CBM/4
- 152 98 X Medium gray CBM/5
- 153 99 Y Light green CBM/6
- 154 9A Z Light blue CBM/7
- 155 9B {SHIFT-+} Light gray CBM/8
- 156 9C {CBM--} Purple CONTROL/5
- 157 9D {SHIFT--} Cursor left ALT/CRSR LEFT
- 158 9E {CBM-+} Yellow CONTROL/8
- 159 9F {CBM-*} Cyan CONTROL/4
- Whenever you see or use a RVS [, the following ASCII character will
- determine the actual function of the Escape Code Sequence. Please note that
- the letters in this table should NOT be entered as a RVS code, but rather as
- a normal lowercase letter. The 128 supports the following codes:
- DEC HEX Letter Function
- 64 40 @ Erase to end of screen window
- 65 41 a Auto-insert ON
- 66 42 b Set window bottom right corner
- 67 43 c Auto-insert OFF
- 68 44 d Delete logical line
- 69 45 e Cursor blink OFF
- 70 46 f Cursor blink ON
- 71 47 g Bell enable
- 72 48 h Bell disable
- 73 49 i Insert blank line
- 74 4A j Go to start of line
- 75 4B k Go to end of line
- 76 4C l Screen scroll ON
- 77 4D m Screen scroll OFF
- 78 4E n Reverse OFF (80 col. only)
- 79 4F o Quote/insert mode OFF (also ESC-ESC)
- 80 50 p Erase from start of line to cursor
- 81 51 q Erase from cursor to end of line
- 82 52 r Reverse ON (80 col. only)
- 83 53 s Block cursor (80 col. only)
- 84 54 t Set top left corner of window
- 85 55 u Underline cursor (80 col. only)
- 86 56 v Scroll up
- 87 57 w Scroll down
- 88 58 x Swap 40/80 display
- 89 59 y Set default tabs, 8 characters spacing
- 90 5A z Clear all tabs
- Commodore computer systems has always had bugs and quirks of varying
- severity. Some of the quirks may affect the operation when DISKSERVANT is
- in charge of operations. Several known bugs has been circumvented in the
- design of DISKSERVANT, but then there are some that can't be patched over.
- Below you'll find a list of the bugs and quirks known by the author that you
- may encounter.
- When you attempt to exceed the number of files permitted, odd things
- sometimes happens. The problem is worst on the 1571 (and possibly the
- 1541). Space is allocated for the new file while there is no room for the
- file name in the directory. The bug will especially affect the file copier.
- If you see the error message "disk full", you should validate the disk to
- put things right again. It should be noted that you won't encounter the
- disk full error if the file copier runs out of disk space (not exceeding the
- maximum number of files). A safeguard system prevents that. So far, I have
- not found a way to circumvent the problems that occur when you try to save
- too many files. So for the time being, validate the disk after a disk full
- error.
- 1571 DISK DRIVE:
- The bugs apply to the 128D portable (128D with cooling fan and carrying
- handle), and the stand-alone 1571. However, upgrade ROM's has been released
- by Commodore to fix all problems. The Commodore part number of this ROM is
- 310654-05. An even better alternative is JiffyDOS, which further enhances
- the performance of your system.
- Problems that may occur using "old-ROM" 1571's with DISKSERVANT:
- 1) Random "device not present" errors. DISKSERVANT may give up and make a
- bell tone on the Main Menu or aborting by displaying "I/O error".
- 2) File corruption. When a file use blocks on both sides of the disk, it
- will sometimes get corrupted. Affects the File Copier.
- 3) The drive can't burst load "locked" files. Affects the File Copier.
- 4) Several bugs affect the speed of operations. The disk drive goes click-
- click-click for a very long time trying to recognize some disks, and the
- drive is very slow at writing data to the back side of the disk.
- A public domain program exist named "1571.diag" which will check your drive
- to establish which type of ROM it contains.
- 1581 DISK DRIVE:
- Three faults are known to the author:
- 1) On rare occasions, a disk may become severely corrupted. This is due to
- the WD1770-00 disk controller chip used in the original 1581s. This
- controller was later replaced by a WD1772-00 chip which solved that problem.
- It is not easy to replace the chip if you have the "wrong" one, because it
- is soldered in place. If you change chips, you may also short jumper J1
- with a 47 ohm resistor. Although this is not essential, it will allow the
- drive to use the 6 ms step rate.
- 2) When creating a sub-sub directory (one subdirectory inside another
- subdirectory), the parent directory would sometimes be erased when the sub-
- sub directory was supposed to be formatted. In the design of DISKSERVANT,
- an attempt has been made to patch up the problem, but I haven't been able to
- verify if it really fixes the problem.
- 3) Some 1581s have a poor solder joint on the PCB. This joint is on pin 10
- on device U10. It causes occasional "device not present" errors.
- DISKSERVANT may give up and make a bell tone on the Main Menu or aborting by
- displaying "I/O error".
- A program exists in the public domain called "1581.diag". It will identify
- the controller chip and the jumper J1, but not the poor solder joint.
- Some disks formatted by old 1541s or compatible disk drives seem to
- malfunction when read using a 1571 in 1571 mode. The disk seems to spin
- forever. This also happens with some older C64 commercial programs. The
- drive will recognize the disk if its left alone for a while though, and the
- delay may repeat every time the disk is read. The delay can be eliminated
- by switching your 1571 to 1541 mode.
- A provision has been made so that you may modify certain aspects of
- DISKSERVANT to meet specific requirements. To make a modification, first
- load DISKSERVANT (in 128 mode), but don't run it. Second enter the command
- BANK 15 and press RETURN. Third, make your modifications as outlined below.
- Fourth, save DISKSERVANT back to disk under a new name or you may save it to
- another disk. Now, your modifications have become a permanent part of your
- program. Always keep a copy of the original program in a safe place,
- because if you make an error, you might ruin the program beyond repair.
- Having the original program available, you can retrieve it and attempt to
- modify it again.
- The possible modifications are as follows:
- POKE 7213,printer device number
- Change the printer device number used by Print dir. May be any value
- between 4 and 7; the default is 4.
- POKE 7214,printer secondary address
- Change the printer secondary address used by Print dir. May be any value,
- but only certain numbers are useful. Please refer to your printer or
- printer interface manual. The default is 7, selecting upper/lowercase print
- on most printers and interfaces.
- POKE 7217,lines to print
- POKE 7218,lines to skip
- These control the length of the page used by Print dir. Lines to print are
- the actual number of lines printed on each page. Lines to skip are the
- number of lines to skip between each page. The sum of those values should
- add up to the total length of the paper. For example, the default is 56 for
- lines to print and 10 for lines to skip. 56 + 10 = 66 and that is the total
- length, in lines, of a North American standard sheet of paper. European
- users will probably want to set lines to print to 64 and lines to skip to 8
- which adds up to 72, the European standard paper length.
- POKE 7220,VDC horizontal adjust
- When DISKSERVANT is run in 80 column mode, it sets up a 40 column screen
- display, similar to the 128's ordinary 40 column display. However, due to
- variations in the 128's 80 column video chip, the display might be off-
- center. The horizontal adjust is provided to correct this. The default is
- 50. Increasing this value will move the display to the left while
- decreasing it moves the display to the right. Changing it by one notch is
- probably enough, that is setting it in the range 49 to 51.
- POKE 7221,text color ASCII code.
- You may change the text color used by DISKSERVANT. The available color
- settings are as follows:
- 144 = black (black) 5 = white (white)
- 28 = red (red) 159 = light cyan (cyan)
- 156 = light purple (purple) 30 = green (green)
- 31 = blue (blue) 158 = light yellow (yellow)
- 129 = dark purple (orange) 149 = dark yellow (brown)
- 150 = light red (light red) 151 = dark cyan (dark gray)
- 152 = medium gray (medium gray) 153 = light green (light green)
- 154 = light blue (light blue) 155 = light gray (light gray)
- The colors in parenthesis are 40 column (VIC) colors. Those are not always
- the same as 80 column (VDC) colors. Do not use any other values than the
- above or DISKSERVANT might act strangely. The default is 159, light cyan
- (cyan).
- AJ
- ***** End of DISKSERVANT Docs Part 5 -- Press RETURN for Menu *****